Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Word is Out!!

So the blog is no longer a secret. It was funny how this came about. I was debating about telling Brian about the blog for Christmas as Fright Fest is not until August. I went back and forth but friends that know Brian encouraged me to tell him now. Especially as he is all excited to be going with Brian's family helping him. So I wrapped up one of Nicole's fliers. As I am making Christmas breakfast I hear from the other room, " Should I be seeing this? Brian to Fright Fest?" Seems as though Brian has a google alert where it picks up any time "horror movie a day" is mentioned. I intentionally had not written about his blog but silly me, I wrote that he watches a horror movie a day. Anyways at least it was good timing. Surprisingly it had not come up earlier when I had created the blog back in October. Brian enjoyed reading the blog and is excited!

Help is still very much needed! Every few bucks helps, accommodations/transportation/etc still are very expensive in London. But we are on our way!

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