Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Word is Out!!

So the blog is no longer a secret. It was funny how this came about. I was debating about telling Brian about the blog for Christmas as Fright Fest is not until August. I went back and forth but friends that know Brian encouraged me to tell him now. Especially as he is all excited to be going with Brian's family helping him. So I wrapped up one of Nicole's fliers. As I am making Christmas breakfast I hear from the other room, " Should I be seeing this? Brian to Fright Fest?" Seems as though Brian has a google alert where it picks up any time "horror movie a day" is mentioned. I intentionally had not written about his blog but silly me, I wrote that he watches a horror movie a day. Anyways at least it was good timing. Surprisingly it had not come up earlier when I had created the blog back in October. Brian enjoyed reading the blog and is excited!

Help is still very much needed! Every few bucks helps, accommodations/transportation/etc still are very expensive in London. But we are on our way!

Thanks Shannon for the Donation!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Thanks to my Mom for the Donation!

Theresa's mom just made a donation! Thanks! xoxoxoxox

Home for the Holidays

So we went home to visit fam and friends. It was wonderful to see everyone. We had the large Collins party and after wards we had a smaller intimate gift giving with Brian's family. Poor Randy (our brother in law) was in the other room handling a water leak unfortunately the whole time. We waited for Brian to open his gift until the end. From his mother he got round trip fare to London to Fright Fest and from his sister Kristine he got the money for his passport! He reverted to a five year old, jumping up and down. It was so great to see him so excited and be taken by surprise. I actually had tears in my eyes. So glad that we could help to make his dream come true.

Check out the picture with Brian's sister, mother, and him. He's so excited!