Wednesday, September 15, 2010

He had a bloody good time!

Hey all. Another heartfelt thank you for helping Brian get to London for Fright Fest. He had such a great time. He has quite a few fans of Horror Movie A Day in London and got to have some pints with them while he was there. See Horror Movie A Day to here all the stories and read all the reviews.

Thanks again family and friends.

Much Love,

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Update on the Trip!

So Brian has booked his place to stay for London. With all the donations (thanks guys!) it will cover his lodging! He will be staying at this college which rents out the dorms in the summer. Brian also got his press pass for Fright Fest, has his plane ticket, and passport. He is planning to rent a phone for emergency phone calls which he is in London. He will be more available through the computer while he is there and is looking into getting a small lap top. Both of us haven't traveled much and learning about navigating all of it is really interesting.

Trip is booked and he is getting excited! Thanks for everyone who has helped make this possible!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Jon "The Punisher" made a donation! Thanks a bunch dude!


Joe you rock! Thanks for the donation!!!

Thanks Kolleen and Jeff!!!

Thanks to you guys! Here is Kolleen's message to Brian for his trip!

"Let your life be your dream, integrity and the morning, yield for nothing, and bring me back a crunchie bar."

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Thanks Jeffrey and have a wonderful trip to Kentucky!


Check out the slide show that we put together for Brian's Birthday. There was amazing creativity and delightful raunchiness. So much so site hosting the pics took down photos, lol. Good job guys, enjoy!